Relationship between Sociodemographics, Dietary Intake , Activities of Daily Living and Gestational Weight among Pregnant women in a Rural Areal

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of maternal and new born health nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University


Gestational weight gain (GWG) is a determinant of health and nutrition of mothers and offspring. However many factors associated with GWG are not completely understood .The aim of the current study was to assess the relationship between sociodemographics, dietary intake and activity of daily living with gestational weight among pregnant women in a rural area. The Design of this study was descriptive study . All eligible pregnant women who met inclusion criteria (324) were included. Instruments of this study included socio-demographic characteristics, data about current pregnancy and labor, data about current dietary intake, and data about activities of daily living. The findings revealed that Women gained an average of 12.87kg during pregnancy while 54% did not gain weight within the Institute of Medicine (IOM)-recommended range. Univariate logistic models showed that gestational weight gain was related to age, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), energy intake, and sitting time. Cumulative logit model showed positive relationship between age (p=0.0137) and pre-pregnancy BMI (p < 0.0001) with GWG. It is concluded that , there was positive relationship between maternal characteristics such as age, pre-pregnancy basal metabolic index, energy intake and taking care of children with gestational weight gain As inadequate or excessive prenatal weight gain could have adverse effects on both mother and child there is a need to inform pregnant women to gain appropriate amount of weight during pregnancy. It is recommended that pregnant women should be advised on achieving the recommended gestational weight gain to prevent adverse maternal and prenatal outcomes.
