Peer Review Process

  Receipt of manuscript is acknowledged by the editorial coordinator. And each manuscript is Reviewed by members of manuscript review panel as well as the editors. Because manuscripts are Reviewed blind, names of authors should appear only on the cover page. Decisions of acceptance for Publication are based on the recommendations of the referees. Also there is a form for evaluation From advisory board as follow

Evaluation of Scientific Research Article



General shape and language


Clearance of purpose and methods


Novelty of references



Inovation and scientific value of content


Discussion and appropriateness of conclusions


Appropriateness of recommendations


Applicability of the findings


Name of the evaluator……………………………………………………………………………………………………………v

Faculty University………………………………………………………………..f

Scientific opinion

  1. Accepted as it is                            (     )
  2. Accepted after doing corrections  (     )
  3. Not accepted                                 (     )
