Baccalaureate nurses Graduates and Undergraduates’ Awareness Regarding Their Actual and Expected Role

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University. Egypt.

2 Nursing Administration Department- Faculty of Nursing, Ain-Shams University.


role clarity is important in the transition from student to professional role, as it prevents role overlap, role conflict, and role stress. So, the graduate baccalaureate nurses must be aware about demands, values, and responsibilities of their role after graduation. Purpose of the study was to identify baccalaureate nurses graduates and under graduate nurses awareness regarding their actual and expected role at Benha University Hospitals .A descriptive design was used to achieve the purpose of the study. The study was conducted at two settings (Benha University Hospitals and Benha Faculty of Nursing). The sampling of the study was 560 of participants assign them into (260 of baccalaureate nurses and 300 of under graduates baccalaureate nurse). Baccalaureate nurse role self administered questionnaire was used by the researcher used for data collection. Results indicated that the majority of under graduate baccalaureate nurses (92, 3%) and graduate baccalaureate nurses (97, 7%) were aware of their expected and actual role. Conclusionit is concluded that the great majority of the two groups of the study subjects were aware of their actual and expected role. Recommendation every baccalaureate nurse should be aware about her role cooperation and collaboration between hospital staff and nursing faculty teaching staff was recommended.
