Effect of Telephonic Weight Loss Coaching Program on Body Composition among Health Field University Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 1Clinical instructor of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Menoufia University.

2 Professor of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Menoufia University.

3 Lecturer of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Menoufia University.

4 Assistant Professor of Family and Community Health Nursing, 1234Faculty of Nursing - Menoufia University.


Background: Mobile phone applications have been shown to successfully facilitate the self-management of obesity.Purpose: To examine the effect of telephonic weight loss coaching program on body composition among health field university students in Menoufia University. Design: A quasi-experimental with pre-posttest was utilized. Setting: This study was carried out in three health field faculties , Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Applied medical Science in Menoufia University, Menoufia Governorate. Sample: A multi-stage random sampling technique was utilized for selecting faculties and the academic year. A purposive sample of 200 university students was selected.Instruments: Three instruments were selected (social characteristics structured interviewing questionnaire, student health habits data, and Food frequency questionnaire,  Bio physiological measurements: weight, height, BMI and body composition measurement and diet and exercise compliance assessment likert scale Results: The study findings revealed that after intervention program, there was statistically significant reduction in BMI and body fat percentage in the study group compared to control group. Conclusions: After implementation of telephonic weight loss coaching program on health field university students, there was statistically significant reduction in fat percentage and body mass index in study group compared to control group. Also there was statistically significant improvement in dietary and exercise health habits in study group compared to control group. Recommendations: The application of mobile health nursing intervention for the management of obesity should be encouraged. Offer weight loss app in Arabic version to be available to person with low or moderate educational level who cannot completely understand English language.               
