Covid-19 Pandemic Disease and its Effect on Quality of Life among Nurses Working at Primary Health Care Centers

Document Type : Original Article


1 1Clinical instructor of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufiya University, Egypt.

2 Assistant Professors of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufiya University, Egypt.


Background: Covid-19 has multiple physical, psychological, social and environmental health problems regarding quality of life of nurses including those who are working at primary health care centers. The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of covid-19 pandemic disease on quality of life among nurses working at primary health care centers. Design: A descriptive cross sectional research design was utilized. Sample: A simple random sample of 300 nurses working at primary health care centers; included 166 nurses from urban health centers and 134 nurses from rural health units. Setting: The study was carried out in primary health care centers, two districts from ten districts of Menoufia governorate were selected by multistage random selection included; Birket El-Saba and Shebin El-kom districts, Menoufia Governorates, Egypt. Instruments: An interview questionnaire contained; Socio-demographic characteristics, nurses’ awareness about Corona virus infection and quality of life assessment scale by World Health Organization. Results: The current study revealed that, there were negative consequences of covid-19 on quality of life of nurses under the study in different physical, psychological, social and environment domains of quality of life. Finally, the majority of the studied nurses experienced low level of total quality of life (80%), while only 20% had high level of total quality of life. Conclusions: Covid-19 produces wide variety of problems and has negative consequences on quality of life of nurses working at primary health care centers. Recommendations: Ongoing professional development programs should be developed to enhance QoL of health care workers especially nurses working at primary health care centers in response to the pandemic and mitigating COVID-19-related stressors and psychological problems and facilitating social support.
