Enablers and Barriers Facing Nurse Managers for Implementing the Innovative Managerial Skills at Menoufia University Hospitals

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer in Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing- Menoufia University

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing- Menoufia University


: Background: Innovation considered a key to improve an organization’s competitiveness. There are variety barriers impede innovation as external environment, also, enablers for innovation include easily access to finance and training. Purpose: Identify enablers and barriers facing nurse managers for implementing the innovative managerial skills at Menoufia University Hospitals. Design: Descriptive research design was utilized at this study. Setting: At different departments in Menoufia University hospital at Shebin El-Kom. Subjects: All available nurse managers (70) were included at this study. Instruments: Two instruments used for data collection: Instrument I; Self-administered knowledge questionnaire, and Instrument II; Barriers and enablers of innovative managerial skills questionnaire. Results: The most organizational enablers for innovative managerial skills among the nurse managers were having a champion management and having sufficient resources to support innovations, while the most individual enablers for innovative managerial skills among the nurse managers were access to funds of innovative ideas not requiring approval and overarching team to drive innovative process. Also, the most barriers for the nurse managers' innovative managerial skills were management tying up critical resource better allocated and decision making by consensus items. Conclusion: The level of barriers that face nurse managers' for implementing the innovative managerial skills was higher than enablers' level that support implementing the innovative managerial skills among nurse managers. Recommendation: Hospital administration should outline and discuss strong impact of barriers that hinder innovative managerial skills among nurse managers and determine strategies to control negative impact of these barriers. 
