Developing and Implementing an Innovative Managerial Skills Training Program for Nurse Managers at Menoufia University Hospitals

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer in Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing- Menoufia University

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing- Menoufia University

3 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University


Background: Nowadays, innovativeness helps organizations in providing value with advanced strategies and services, solving client and organizational problems, and providing positive changes to the organization and society. Purpose: Develop and implement an innovative managerial skills training program for nurse managers at Menoufia University hospitals. Design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized at this study. Setting: At different departments in Menoufia University hospital at Shebin El-Kom. Subjects: All available nurse managers (70) were included at this study. Instruments: Three instruments used for data collection: Instrument I; Needs assessment questionnaire, Instrument II; Self-administered knowledge questionnaire, and Instrument III; Barriers and enablers of innovative managerial skills questionnaire. Results: Revealed that the most need assessment of innovative managerial skills of study group were learning & technology, motivation, and goal-orientation, while there was statistically significant difference between study and control group throughout study phases regarding the innovative managerial skills; motivation, understanding the external environment and crisis and risk management. Also, more than half of innovative managerial skills enablers were at the control group than study group, while the majority of innovative managerial skills barriers were at the study group than control group. Conclusion: There was improvement of nurse managers' innovative managerial knowledge and skills then diminish at follow up after three months of implementing training program. Recommendation: Hospital administrators should continuously assess nurse managers' needs for innovative managerial knowledge and skills to integrate these skills into hospital culture and create a more innovation-friendly environment.
