Perception of pregnant Women toward using Analgesia during Labor

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.SC in nursing sciences

2 Professor of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University

3 Assistant professor of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University


Background: labor pain was considered as the most intensive pain in our life and the use of analgesics still not common in our hospitals. A lot of pregnant women are frightened of this labor pain, and they are trying to search for anything to relieve the pain. The purpose of the study to assess the perception of antenatal women towards using analgesia during labor. Method: A descriptive design. A convenience sample of 500 pregnant women. Setting: The current study was conducted atobstetric department of three settings in Menoufia governorate. Result: the study reported that there was poor perception of pregnant women toward using analgesics during labor Conclusion: majority of the studied women have poor perception. Recommendation: increase perception &knowledge of pregnant women regarding analgesics used during labor. and make program for nurses to communicate with pregnant women to give them information about using analgesia during labor.
