Effect of Nursing Intervention on Cracked Nipple among Lactating Women

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer in Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University

2 Professor of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing,Menoufia University

3 Assistant Professor of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University


Normally, nipples are kept supple from the secretions of the Montgomery tubercles in the areola. They can become sore when they are excessively dry or wet, which makes them crack or fissure. The purpose ofthis study was to investigate the effect of peppermint water versus expressed breast milk on cracked nipple among lactating women. Methods: A quasi–experimental design was utilized. Sample: Purposive sample of 60 lactating women.Setting: The study was carried out in postnatal ward and postnatal clinics at four settings in Menoufia governorate: Menoufia University Hospital, Shebin El-Kom Teaching Hospital, Sirs-Elian Hospital, and Menouf Hospital. Instruments: An interviewing questionnaire, breastfeeding observation checklist, numerical rating scale, nipple soreness rating scale, nipple trauma score, and nipple trauma score Result: There was a statistically significant difference between the intervention groups in favor of the expressed milk group in relation to nipple pain, nipple soreness, and nipple trauma. Conclusion: Expressed breast milk was more effective than peppermint water as it relieves cracked nipple. Recommendations: Encouraging the use of expressed breast milk as it was safe and less expensive for those who have cracked nipple.
