Effect of Family Centered Empowerment Intervention on Burden and Coping Strategies among Caregivers of Hemodialysis Elderly Patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of geriatric nursing, faculty of nursing, Menoufia university

2 Assistant Professor of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt.

3 lecturer of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt

4 lecturer of Geriatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt


ABSTRACT: Hemodialysis is a prolonged process that affects all life aspects of the patient and his family that needs for supporting caregiver to decrease burden and powering coping strategies. Purpose: to evaluate the effect of family centered empowerment intervention on burden and coping strategies among caregivers of elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis. Design: A quasi-experimental design with pre, post-test was utilized. Setting: hemodialysis units at Menoufia University Hospital and Shebin Elkom Teaching Hospital in Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Sampling: A purposive sample of 75 family caregivers for elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis. Instruments: Two instruments were used (Characteristics of Patients and Care Givers Structured Interview Questionnaire and Zarit Burden Interview Questionnaire)  Results: The burden level on caregivers of hemodialysis patients was reduced after implementing the family centered  empowerment intervention  in post-intervention than pre-intervention (mean of Zarit burden test on post intervention was 43.5± 14.2 compared to 34.9± 12.2 pre intervention). Also, there was a significant improvement in the positive coping strategies post intervention compared to pre intervention. Conclusion: Family centered empowerment intervention was effective in reducing burden among caregivers for hemodialysis patients and improving coping strategies that can help caregivers to adjust with burden of caring. Recommendation: Caregivers’ burden should be monitored and family empowerment interventions should be implemented to offer psychosocial support for caregivers. Problem focused coping should be encouraged as it helps in positive outcomes.
