The Relation between Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Life among Patients with Schizophrenia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Clinical Instructor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 4Faculty of Nursing, Menofia University, Egypt

2 Professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menofia University, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menofia University, Egypt


Abstract: Background:One of the most challenges facing patients with schizophrenia is lack of emotional intelligence and quality of life. Emotional intelligence for those who have schizophrenia is very important to cope with them and also to interact properly with others; it helps individuals to become more productive and successful. Low level of emotional intelligence leads to difficulties in relationships due to lack of social interaction with others, lack of satisfaction, increase conflict and stress, all of this reflecting a bad quality of life among patients with schizophrenia. So, the purpose of this study was to assess the relation between emotional intelligence and quality of life among patients with schizophrenia.Design: A descriptive correlational design was utilized Setting: The study was conducted at Shebin Elkom psychiatric hospital (Meet khalaf psychiatric hospital) and Banha psychiatric hospital. Sample: A Convenience sample was constituted for the study consists of 120 patients. Three Instruments were utilized for collection of data: Bar-on Emotional Intelligence (EI) quotient-Inventory Scale and quality of life (QOL) scale Results: It was found that there was  a highly statistical significant positive significant correlation between total emotional intelligence score, and total quality of life score. The study concluded that there was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and quality of life among patients with schizophrenia. Therefore, it was recommended that patients with schizophrenia need an intervention programs to improve their emotional intelligence and quality of life.