Abstract: Background: Having children with conduct disorder put parents at a high risk for many problems in many ways. Parents’ mental health may be affected by emotional symptoms in younger children and abnormal behaviors related to difficulties associated with imposing a daily routine and discipline on the conduct disorder child that consequently affect their psychological wellbeing. Purpose: was to explore the relation between emotional distress and psychological wellbeing. Methods:Research Design: A correlational descriptive research design was used to achieve the purpose of the study. Setting: The study was conducted at out-patient psychiatric clinic at Menoufia University Hospitals, in Shebin El-Kom City, Menoufia Governorate. Sample: A convenience sample consisted of 100 parents from the above mentioned setting who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study. Instruments: (1) Socio-demographic structured interview questionnaire. (2) The emotional distress scale. (3) Scale of psychological wellbeing. Results: The results of the study revealed that two thirds of the studied parents (65%) had emotional distress ranged from mild to moderate, the majority of the studied subjects had moderate levels of psychological wellbeing, and there is a negative significant correlation between emotional distress and psychological wellbeing. Conclusion: Emotional distress had a negative effect on psychological wellbeing meaning that raising emotional distress will decrease their psychological wellbeing. Recommendations: Psycho-educational program should be given to parents having conduct disorder children to minimize their emotional distress and enhance their psychological wellbeing.
Badra, M., El-Malky, M., Elnagar, M., & Eita, L. (2023). The Relation between Emotional Distress and Psychological Wellbeing among Parents of Children with Conduct Disorder. Menoufia Nursing Journal, 8(2), 335-454. doi: 10.21608/menj.2023.323239
Mabrouka Abbas Badra; Maaly I. El-Malky; Mona A. Elnagar; Lamiaa H. Eita. "The Relation between Emotional Distress and Psychological Wellbeing among Parents of Children with Conduct Disorder", Menoufia Nursing Journal, 8, 2, 2023, 335-454. doi: 10.21608/menj.2023.323239
Badra, M., El-Malky, M., Elnagar, M., Eita, L. (2023). 'The Relation between Emotional Distress and Psychological Wellbeing among Parents of Children with Conduct Disorder', Menoufia Nursing Journal, 8(2), pp. 335-454. doi: 10.21608/menj.2023.323239
Badra, M., El-Malky, M., Elnagar, M., Eita, L. The Relation between Emotional Distress and Psychological Wellbeing among Parents of Children with Conduct Disorder. Menoufia Nursing Journal, 2023; 8(2): 335-454. doi: 10.21608/menj.2023.323239