Job Crafting Intervention Program: a Means for Promoting Interprofessional Learning and Performance Adaptability among Nurses

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt.

2 Lecturer of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt.


Abstract: Background: Job crafting is a creative way for nurses to try to improve the tools and resources available to them in their profession. Job crafting training gives nurses the skills they need to actively adapt their performance to work environment so that it better suits their interests and improves readiness to learn. Purpose: To apply a job crafting intervention program as a means for promoting performance adaptability and interprofessional learning among nurses. Methods: Quasi-experimental research design was used (pre-test, post-test) in the current study among a random sample of 100 nurses who are divided into 50 nurses working at Menoufia University hospital and 50 working at National Liver Institute. Instruments: Three instruments were used Job Crafting Scale, Adaptive performance scale and Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale. Results: The level of job crafting, interprofessional learning and adaptive performance among studied sample pre- the program was low among (82%, 78% and 76%) respectively and post-the program the levels were high among (76%, 81% and 81%) respectively. There was a highly significant correlation among three study variables (post) the program among studied sample. Conclusion: there was a highly statistically significant improvement in the level of study variables post compared to pre-program among studied sample. There was a highly significant correlation among study variables post-the program among studied sample.  Recommendations: Healthcare managers should reprioritize their work, and tailor their policies and procedures to create room for nurses to craft their jobs.              Job crafting intervention programs should be available for nurses in different healthcare settings to motivate employees to take charge in redesigning their jobs.   
