Shift Handoff in Nursing Practice, concept analysis


1 Assist lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt.

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration. Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt.


Abstract: Handoffs involve the transfer of essential information when the responsibility for care shifts from one healthcare provider to another. When done effectively, there should be a seamless transition of critical information that results in continuity of patient care.   Conceptual clarity about Handoffs gives empirical direction for future research and a theoretical underpinning for the myriad studies about nurses. Purpose: The present study was conducted for the purpose of clarifying and defining the concept of handoffs, importance, component and barriers of handoff. Methods: in this study, the steps of concept analysis were as follows: Select a concept, determine the aims of the concept analysis, identify various definitions of the concept, determine the concept of handoffs and identify importance, component, and barriers of handoff. All studies between the years 2019 and 2023 were reviewed for the purposes of this concept analysis, PubMed, Google search engines, Ovid, and Pro Quest, were scanned and searched using the keywords. Conclusion: Effective handoff not only improves patient satisfaction and safety but also ensures the nurses' satisfaction. The nurses' satisfaction improved significantly following the implementation of an organized handoff process. Nurses felt that they gained good knowledge about the patients and their condition and also there was a chance to question and clarify the doubts. It also paved an opportunity for teaching at the point of care and partnered assessment. Although there was reluctance in the initial period of implementation of organized bed side handoff, later with the leadership support and regular training nurses were found to be highly satisfied with the bed side handoff process. It empowered nurses and ascertained their accountability in patient care and safety.
