The Relation between Career Plateau and Job Embeddedness as Perceived by Staff Nurses at Menoufia University Hospitals

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.S.C in nursing sciences,

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University



Abstract: Background: Career plateau represents stressful experiences of employees' emotional exhaustion and turnover intention. Nursing staff who experience career plateau lose their moral to continue at the work in the same job over a long period of time, which may result in lowering nursing staff' productivity, job embeddedness, and level of creativity. Purpose: To assess the relation between career plateau and job embeddedness as perceived by staff nurses at Menoufia University Hospitals. Study design: A descriptive correlational research design. Study sample: A convenient sample of 300 staff nurses. Setting: The study was conducted in critical care units and general departments at Menoufia University Hospitals. Data collection instruments: Two instruments were used in the study (Career plateau scale and Job embeddedness scale). Results: More than half of the studied sample at Menoufia University Hospitals had high perception level of career plateau. Moreover, more than two third of the studied sample had low level of job embeddedness, while nearly one third had high level of job embeddedness. Conclusion: There was a statistically significant negative correlation between career plateau and job embeddedness as perceived by the studied sample at Menoufia University hospitals. Recommendations: Providing nursing staff with education programs about career plateau in their job description and road map for career advancement. Nurse managers could develop standards for placement nurses in appropriate position based on their competencies to raise their embeddedness.
