Green Technology Innovations: Awareness, Attitude and Practice of University Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt

2 Clinical Instructor of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt,

3 Lecturer of Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt,


Abstract: Background: Increasing concern over environmental conditions has led to a constant focus on green technology innovation. It is anticipated to have a dual beneficial effect on the economy and the environment by improving technology and lessening environmental stress. Purpose: This study was conducted to assess university students' awareness, attitudes, and practices regarding green technology innovations. Design: Descriptive correlational research design was utilized to achieve the purpose of the study. Setting: This study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing and Faculty of Arts in Shebin Elkom city, Menoufia University, Egypt. Methodology: Sample: Systematic random sample consisted of 400 university students from its four grades of both selected scientific and literary faculties. Instruments: Involved 1. Self-administered structured questionnaires that included students' socio-demographic characteristics and sources of knowledge about green technology innovation; 2. Students' awareness questionnaires about green technology innovations; 3. Students' attitude scale about green technology innovations; and 4. Students' reported practice scale about green technology innovations. Results: The main findings revealed that more than half of the participating university students (57%) had a fair awareness about green technology innovations, while 41.5% had a poor awareness, and only 1.5% had a good awareness. Majority of the students (86.5%) had a positive attitude toward green technology innovations. About half of the students had moderate practice (49.7%), as well as about half of them had a high practice (49.3%) toward green technology innovations. Conclusions: More than half of the university students in the study had a fair awareness toward green technology innovations, while majority of them had a positive attitude, and about half of them had a moderate practice as well as about half had a high practice toward green technology innovations. Recommendation: Awareness campaigns and workshops should be developed to provide university students with the necessary knowledge, attitudes, and practice regarding green technology to increase awareness and encourage them to adopt green technology.
