Telenursing vs Traditional Health Education: Effect on Adherence to Planned Nursing Care for Children after Kasai Operation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing Specialist at National Liver Institute, Menoufia University

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University

3 Lecturer of HPB Surgery, National Liver Institute, Menoufia University

4 Assist. Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University



Abstract: Biliary Atresia is the most common cause of pediatric end-stage liver disease and the leading indication for pediatric liver transplantation. So, a planned nursing care for those children is important. Purpose of this study was to assess the effect of telenursing vs traditional health education on nurse's adherence to planned nursing care for children after Kasai operation. A quasi-experimental design was utilized. The study was conducted in Surgical Intensive Care Unit at National Liver Institute, Menoufia University. A purposive sample of 50 nurses caring for children after kasai operation were selected. Two instruments were used: Knowledge about biliary atresia structured interview questionnaire and an observational checklist for nurses' adherence to planned nursing care while caring for children after kasai operation. The findings of this study revealed that there was a highly statistical significant difference between nurses' knowledge on pre, post and follow up tests. Also, a highly statistical significant difference between mean score of studied nurses practice on pre, post and follow up tests. As well as, there were positive correlation between nurse's total knowledge and total practice scores (P<0.001). The study concluded that nurses who received health education through telenursing had more adherence to planned nursing care than nurses who only received traditional health education. Therefore, it was recommended that telenursing health education program should be developed for nurses caring for children after kasai operation. A standardized nursing care about biliary atresia and kasai operation booklets should be available at Surgical Intensive Care Unit. Also, an internet access should be available at Surgical Intensive Care Unit.
